Songs of Motherhood - Għanjiet l-Omm Vol II



Building on from Vol I, Volume II is a continuation of the stories that mothers don’t always tell. A reflection on the themes that attempt to share an understanding of motherhood, in all its different shades.

What is it like to be a mother?

To be a life source, a provider, a healer and a comfort? What is it like to give birth and look in a mirror, to see a different you beneath the familiar and unfamiliar lines and curves? And what does it feel like, to be surrounded by people and still feel the ache of loneliness? What makes a mother? A moment, an instinct, or the sum of all the roles we play for the most important people in our lives? It is easy to put motherhood in a box - and yet, this is never the whole story. There are songs that yearn to be sung; of love and the beauty, of grief, loneliness and the inescapable rush of time. We hope that within these pages you will find the voices that truly sing to your heart.

Xi tfisser li tkun omm?

Għajn ta’ sabar, faraġ u wens? X’jitqanqal fik meta tħares fil-mera l-ewwel darba wara li tkun wellidt u tilmaħ ir-riflessjoni tiegħek qalb sfumaturi familjari u ġodda fl-istess ħin? Xi tħoss meta tkun imdawra b’ċorma nies imma qalbek xorta tittaqqal b’sens qawwi ta’ solitudni? X’jagħmlek omm? Mument speċifiku, l-istint, jew il-ġabra sħiħa ta’ rwoli varji li nilbsu ta’ kuljum għall-għeżież tagħna? Faċli nagħtu definizzjoni lill-maternità, imma li tkun omm tmur lil hinn minn hekk. Fix-xquq ta’ madwarna u fit-tellieqa dejjiema kontra l-ħin, hemm ilħna li jixtiequ jgħannu għanjiet ta’ mħabba u ferħ; diqa u niket. Nittamaw li fost dawn il-paġni ssibu l-għanjiet li jiżfnu b’mod partikolari mar-ritmu ta’ qalbkom.   

  • Paperback

  • 126 pages in full colour

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Building on from Vol I, Volume II is a continuation of the stories that mothers don’t always tell. A reflection on the themes that attempt to share an understanding of motherhood, in all its different shades.

What is it like to be a mother?

To be a life source, a provider, a healer and a comfort? What is it like to give birth and look in a mirror, to see a different you beneath the familiar and unfamiliar lines and curves? And what does it feel like, to be surrounded by people and still feel the ache of loneliness? What makes a mother? A moment, an instinct, or the sum of all the roles we play for the most important people in our lives? It is easy to put motherhood in a box - and yet, this is never the whole story. There are songs that yearn to be sung; of love and the beauty, of grief, loneliness and the inescapable rush of time. We hope that within these pages you will find the voices that truly sing to your heart.

Xi tfisser li tkun omm?

Għajn ta’ sabar, faraġ u wens? X’jitqanqal fik meta tħares fil-mera l-ewwel darba wara li tkun wellidt u tilmaħ ir-riflessjoni tiegħek qalb sfumaturi familjari u ġodda fl-istess ħin? Xi tħoss meta tkun imdawra b’ċorma nies imma qalbek xorta tittaqqal b’sens qawwi ta’ solitudni? X’jagħmlek omm? Mument speċifiku, l-istint, jew il-ġabra sħiħa ta’ rwoli varji li nilbsu ta’ kuljum għall-għeżież tagħna? Faċli nagħtu definizzjoni lill-maternità, imma li tkun omm tmur lil hinn minn hekk. Fix-xquq ta’ madwarna u fit-tellieqa dejjiema kontra l-ħin, hemm ilħna li jixtiequ jgħannu għanjiet ta’ mħabba u ferħ; diqa u niket. Nittamaw li fost dawn il-paġni ssibu l-għanjiet li jiżfnu b’mod partikolari mar-ritmu ta’ qalbkom.   

  • Paperback

  • 126 pages in full colour


Building on from Vol I, Volume II is a continuation of the stories that mothers don’t always tell. A reflection on the themes that attempt to share an understanding of motherhood, in all its different shades.

What is it like to be a mother?

To be a life source, a provider, a healer and a comfort? What is it like to give birth and look in a mirror, to see a different you beneath the familiar and unfamiliar lines and curves? And what does it feel like, to be surrounded by people and still feel the ache of loneliness? What makes a mother? A moment, an instinct, or the sum of all the roles we play for the most important people in our lives? It is easy to put motherhood in a box - and yet, this is never the whole story. There are songs that yearn to be sung; of love and the beauty, of grief, loneliness and the inescapable rush of time. We hope that within these pages you will find the voices that truly sing to your heart.

Xi tfisser li tkun omm?

Għajn ta’ sabar, faraġ u wens? X’jitqanqal fik meta tħares fil-mera l-ewwel darba wara li tkun wellidt u tilmaħ ir-riflessjoni tiegħek qalb sfumaturi familjari u ġodda fl-istess ħin? Xi tħoss meta tkun imdawra b’ċorma nies imma qalbek xorta tittaqqal b’sens qawwi ta’ solitudni? X’jagħmlek omm? Mument speċifiku, l-istint, jew il-ġabra sħiħa ta’ rwoli varji li nilbsu ta’ kuljum għall-għeżież tagħna? Faċli nagħtu definizzjoni lill-maternità, imma li tkun omm tmur lil hinn minn hekk. Fix-xquq ta’ madwarna u fit-tellieqa dejjiema kontra l-ħin, hemm ilħna li jixtiequ jgħannu għanjiet ta’ mħabba u ferħ; diqa u niket. Nittamaw li fost dawn il-paġni ssibu l-għanjiet li jiżfnu b’mod partikolari mar-ritmu ta’ qalbkom.   

  • Paperback

  • 126 pages in full colour

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