A Beautiful Chaos
I was walking back to my car, brushing against people in the narrow passage. No one hardly glanced my way but that was fine.
How are you today?
I like to believe I have had an okay childhood. That I’m living an okay life, with an okay job, relationship and dreams. When problems crop up, I usually make a fuss for no reason at all. I let them worry me a little too much but then they’re over with no lasting damage.
Today I saw an old lady, wearing a wide-brimmed hat and large sunglasses, riding a scooter. You know the kind, two small wheels, a bar in between and handles to steer. We used to ride them when we were younger.
Balancing Life, Work and the ‘how-can-I-drop-so-much-hair-I-just-cleaned-wtf’ horror story.
I moved out in March. I wrote about it when I was some 2 weeks in our blissful convivial stage. Mind you, it’s still the best thing to have ever happened, but 5 months give you enough time to go through things, to have succeeded at some and failed at others and to feel dog-tired but confused about how you can be happy when all you want to do is sleep.
Coffee Houses I Love ❤
People who know me well have realized long ago that they can buy my attention with four very simple words, “Let’s grab a coffee.”
The importance of TAKING YOUR TIME
All those who know me can tell you how my life pretty much revolves around time. I am never late – for anything. For me, punctuality is not only a sign of respect; it’s just a way of life. There’s a strict time for everything. I guess I can safely say I freak out just a little when something unplanned and outside of its natural time, suddenly occurs. I’m pretty much its slave really. Which is why it got to the point where I needed to sit down, think & write about it (It’s how I cope with every crisis).
Leaving An Emptying Nest: The Five Stages
I type away at a breakfast bar turned desk. The fridge is full of leftovers because I’m either cooking too little or too much. Behind me, the couch, which serves as a bed lies somewhere under a pile of duvets, pillows, throws and cushions. Yes, I finally moved out and yes, despite the impromptu-ness of everything, life is good. But that’s not the reason why I sat down to type on a breakfast bar.
A little voice spoke up in the darkness once. “It would be awfully nice to have some light here.” But the other voices, always so critical about everything, hushed it back into silence. At least for a while.
All these Little Things
Rule Number one: Never miss an opportunity to look back on things which made your day better.