All these Little Things

Rule Number one: Never miss an opportunity to look back on things which made your day better.

Take a notebook. Leave it by your bed. Every night, just before you fall asleep, write one thing which felt good that day. It could be anything: silly, nostalgic, funny, life-changing – as long it made you feel better. There’s no need for epic prose. Sometimes, one word is more than enough. Do it, every single day. Compose your own list of little blessings. As cheesy as it might sound, it’s all we need to get us through at times: our own selves reminding us there’s much to be happy about.

Here are some favourites from my list.

Scones! With fresh cream and jam and tea <3

Going to sleep. Not setting the alarm clock. BLISS

Being first at the office. There’s something about a still empty building which wakes me up. Switching on the lights, turning the temperature up. Brewing the first coffee and enjoying those few minutes of silence.

My youngest cat, Delilah, sitting proudly behind our glass door, narrowing her eyes as you approach. Puttiiii!

Book by new author, bought! *Happy Dance*

With some help, I sourced some amazing facial products. Cos this face ain’t getting any younger! But I age like wine, so it’s all good. (Inside I’m crying but this face cream smells too good to be sad about the whole situation) 

Running my hands across a fleece blanket.

Coffee and wine. 

French music from Amelie Poulain movie.

A look passed between two. It lingered just that split second longer than necessary and the whole face breaks into a smile.

Going to a hairdresser and walking out knowing you won’t look hopeless and that maybe you can give the whole make up routine a pass since you have at least made an effort in one department. #Champ.

Your better half just proved once more how beautiful his mind is, with another conference acceptance. A conference in Australia. A conference which could potentially see you (that is, me) travel to New Zealand. Dare I get my hopes up? HELL YES!  [themify_icon icon="fa-plane" ]

The photos at the very bottom of a memory box.

Friends’ wedding plans! 

Knowing that, no matter how bad a day is, there’s always someone who will hear you out, make you tea and generally cheer you up. For that I know I am lucky.

Finishing a book. Opening a new one. Breathing the pages in, deeply. 

Someone got cake to work today. It was a good day.

Wearing heels when I don’t need to, just because.

The two of us filling up this book, one question at a time. It somehow brings us closer and gets us to talk about things we never have before. Questions range from downright funny - leaving us in fits of laughter to being thoughtful and sweet. We kind of look forward to it every day.

Being told red lipstick accentuates my cheekbones. :)

All my cats keep insisting they have every right to be sitting on my lap the whole time. They can be quite assertive and I usually give in. I never regret it.

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Thinking of getting a vinyl turntable <3 Because it’s a great excuse when you have mistakenly bought a long play instead of a CD some years back and you’re aching to try it.. right?

Speaking to old friends like it was hours, not years since I've last seen them.

Seeing him off at the airport … it never gets easier, quite the opposite. But that, in itself is a great thing.

Friday feels… just Friday feels

I am reading a recipe book.

I have never been so happy to be reading a set of instructions or looking up ingredients every few sentences - in - my - life.

Chatting with your newly married sister. It’s weird because in a way it’s like you’re just getting to know a new person but then you realise that if  you reach out just a bit deeper you know all there is to know about her. A sweet contradiction.


I’m talking to my parents more every evening (I’m not a great talker. I often get in trouble for it) and I’m trying to be more sensitive to situations around me. I think that, the fact that I’m conscious about these decisions is already a good sign.

Writing a To Do list. Scratching off all the items.

Watching Beauty and the Beast and seeing everything from different perspectives. Belle’s avant-garde open-mindedness, Gaston’s severe case of narcissism. How his side-kick was given the tongue-in-cheek name of “Le Fou”, the fool. The beauty of the French countryside… was it based in Provence? Or maybe Bordeaux? BUT! Still singing to all the songs and impersonating voices as required.

To be continued…

Are you going to start one too? Let me know!

Much love,

- R, x




Why we should be doing more of what we love