Submissions for Songs of Motherhood 2024

We can hardly believe we're typing this already - the first Songs of Motherhood still feels like a dream that a combined effort of an amazing groups of mothers turned into reality. But here we are, with fantastic news. We're happy to announce that submissions for our book Songs of Motherhood - Għanjiet l-Omm 2024 will open on the 1st of September!

Here's a little reminder of the guidelines to submit:

🌸 You can submit a maximum of 5 pieces for consideration. This can be a mix of poems, stories, illustrations or photos, or 5 pieces from one category.

🌸 You can submit in English or in Maltese

🌸 Short stories should not be longer than 8,000 words.

🌸 The theme for all pieces is motherhood, from whatever angle feels right to you.

🌸Only creatives based in Malta will be eligible.

The pieces you submit do NOT have to be original. Maybe it's a heartfelt caption you wrote for an accompanying photo that perfectly encapsulates what motherhood is for you. Perhaps it's a poem you shared on social media, a painting you exhibited in a gallery. As long as the theme fits, you are welcome to submit it.

Submissions window will close on the 1st of December and we plan on letting you know if your entry will make it to publication by mid-January.

We would love nothing more than to include your voice in our Songs. You can submit your work to in word document or directly in the email. If you're unsure what type of content would be appropriate, you can purchase Songs of Motherhood online or at one of our stockists listed on our site.

Little teaser - this year we wish to celebrate this important moment with you all with a physical get-together at one of our favourite haunts - but more on that very soon. 

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you and we hope to hear from you soon x


Have a Lovely Weekend


A Year