Have a Lovely Weekend
It's simple to catch a one-way flight; even, as I've discovered, with two toddlers in tow. It's also life-changing. It's a small thing that's also a big thing; a short journey that's also a long one; an exciting experience that is also nostalgic.
We've survived our second week away, and here are some other things that have also made me happy these past few days:
🌸 Local libraries filled with endless shelves of (amazing) books. Heaven.
🌸 Fresh air, rain and the lush green countryside of Oxfordshire.
🌸 My sons splashing in muddy puddles.
🌸 My younger son's love for - read obsession with - ducks, which are in every park, every pond, every corner here. (I have never seen anyone wave at anyone or anything else quite as frantically).
🌸 Driving on a motorway for the first time. (It's never too late to do anything new or scary!)
Cheers to a lovely weekend - and if you haven't yet, do check out this post for more information on submissions for the Songs of Motherhood 2024 edition!