Where(ds) does it go from here?

Puns aside, I believe I have asked myself this question countless times. The truth lies in the simple act of writing. Someone once said that it’s all about Momentum. And I had to agree. To answer this question requires a forecast, and a good forecast will rely on past history and a pattern of continuity – momentum, or lack thereof. Momentum is what drives everything forward and in this particular case, the way forward is in writing.However, I want WORDS to be different in the sense that I want to explore exciting new venues with it. I want to utilise it as a tool to experiment the internet’s way of displaying content, to be the WordPress savvy I was always born to be (lol). Eventually, I want it to showcase a portfolio with more official works, because writing can take you down so many roads. Above all, I want to HAVE FUN. I want to keep sharing quirky observations and the occasional travel anecdote. I know I’ve come a long way from An Office in the Sky. I’m just going to pimp it up a little bit more.Dear Readers; writing, blogging, whatever it is you want to call it, exists because there are people like you (decreasing at an alarming rate) who would rather READ something than watch a video. I’m not one to judge. Even I take long to write sometimes because I don’t have – or find – the time to write. But I think you get my point: I owe this to you. Tell me what you think – point out any areas of improvement you might notice along the way. Because when this is lacking, you start thinking yourself GREAT, and when that happens, then by definition you are not (someone once told me this too. See, I pick up lessons very quickly).So keep an eye out for WORDS. I find they tend to be quite exciting.


Of Peter Pan and the Inevitability of Time


WORDS - a short introduction.