Of Motherhood, Writing & the SoM Blog

A Welcome Note from the Editors

This is what we find: that since motherhood,

words sing in a different way,

bringing joy and peace through the

highs and lows of this new way of living,

where we are constantly giving of ourselves.

So, if you know what we mean, and you

want to be or are already a mother too,

go on, give it a go.

Write for us, for Songs of Motherhood, and

write above all for you.


Roberta and I don't go way back: in fact, we've known each other for all but three years. We met on Instagram by chance, fell hard for each other's way with words, and proceeded to write several short stories together. It was our love for reading and writing that drew us together: it is our mutual respect and admiration for each other's work that keeps us supporting and encouraging each other, particularly when one of us gets their words acknowledged or published, or curates a book.

Both of us are also mothers navigating the early years of motherhood. This life-changing experience has had a profound effect on what we write and the way we write it. When we met, I had just had my first son, and was struggling to adapt to life with a newborn in the age of Covid, when we were all confined indoors. Roberta shared her blog with me, reminding me of my own passion and lifelong love for writing; and I returned to it. I began to write in earnest again; I began to be less afraid of writing out loud, of sharing my words with the world. Writing helped me handle those early sleepless nights better; motherhood gave me something beautiful and precious to write about. Motherhood also gave me courage: it helped me find (more of) my voice. 

In this too, Roberta and I are united. She soon joined the ranks, welcoming a son of her own into the world, and then, beginning to write about everything that is motherhood. Her passion led her to envisage and curate a beautiful collection of related writings and illustrations. The Songs of Motherhood book portrays the experiences, thoughts and feelings of many women who have in some manner or another experienced motherhood. (PS. If you haven’t heard of it, or seen it, yet, I strongly suggest you check it out). It is intended as a yearly publication, and anybody can submit their work for consideration. (PPS. Submissions for next year’s edition open on 1 September 2023).

As we are wont to do from time to time, Roberta and I catch up on IG earlier this week. We discuss following the book up with a blog: a literary blog that gives life to the stories of women who are or want to be mothers, all year round.

 A local literary blog that features creative non-fiction pieces relating to any aspect of motherhood, to be savoured over a freshly-brewed cup of coffee on a lazy morning or an early evening glass of wine. 

For this project too, anyone can submit their work: whether you are a new mother, or a seasoned mother, or you wish to be a mother, or you are struggling to become a mother. If you have something to say about it, we'd love to hear it. We're sure that we're not the only ones, either. We're sure that many other women would love to read about your perspective; would benefit from your experience. 

So here is our invitation for you today: send us your contributions (at a maximum of 800 words) and we will consider them for online publication on the SoM blog. 

For practical information on how to do this, please read this post.


SoM Blog: How to Submit


How therapy is helping me be a better mother